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Women in Film and TV has opened entries for 20 mentoring placements for mid-career women across the UK.

For its Four Nations Mentoring Scheme, WFTV is seeking 20 mentees from the South of England and seven each from the North of England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.

Screen Alliance North, a BFI skills cluster for the region, has joined the scheme for 2024 and is funding four of the places in the North.

Open to women with at least five years’ experience of working in film, TV and digital media – except for the South of England, which requires seven years’ experience, and for deaf/disabled candidates, who require no minimum experience - the scheme pairs candidates with an industry mentor for one-to-one career development.

Over the course of six months, the women receive peer-to-peer training and bespoke career development workshops.

WFTV said the scheme is open to women looking to make the step up to the next level, dealing with new responsibilities following a promotion, setting up as a freelancer or running their own production company, juggling family life with work life, returning to work after maternity or caring leave or redundancy, or wanting to move into a different discipline.

Screen Alliance North lead partner Caroline Cooper-Charles, who is also chief executive of Screen Yorkshire, hailed WFTV’s “critical work in empowering women in the media”.

She added: “Through their mentoring initiative, which supports women across the UK, they help women to advance in their careers, improve their networks and give them the opportunity to learn from leading professionals in the industry.

“This well-established programme has been highly successful and we’re delighted to be partnering to strengthen its impact across the North and ensure that our exceptional regional talent can grow and be nurtured.”

Applications close at 5pm on Monday 16 September. Apply here

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