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Hello fellow TM users - just wondering how the job application section is working for everyone else? I recently applied to Raise the Roof Productions for a role advertised on TM and my covering letter and C.V. look like they haven't been looked at. I am u

Simon Brant by on


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Becs Hall
Becs Hall
6 months ago

@SimonBrant 1/2 Thanks for your question, Simon and for raising this, especially as improving the job application feedback process for our community remains a priority for us.

Given the industry downturn, job postings now receive a much higher volume of applicants, which may delay the review of CVs and cover letters. Frustrating, but we appreciate your understanding!

Becs Hall
Becs Hall
6 months ago

@SimonBrant 2/3 We are actively discussing ways to improve the way the system works currently and have been consulting with production companies individually about responsible recruitment using TM. This includes public job postings, saving talent for future roles, utilising our diversity tools for fair recruitment and standardising interview processes. Changes are also being planned for how recruiters post jobs on TM, to ensure timely responses to applicants.

Becs Hall
Becs Hall
6 months ago

@SimonBrant 3/3 It's a big job and one we are taking really seriously. We'll keep the community updated on our progress.Thank you for your continued support!

Simon Brant
Simon Brant
6 months ago

@BecsHall many thanks for responding - I felt is was a valid time to flag as we head into the autumn. I acknowledged in my post that it must be very tough for those recruiting too but personally since joining in those discussions earlier in the year much still needs to be done to improve the feedback and confirmation process. My question was intended to spark debate again around the subject so thanks for all you are doing behind the scenes and I look forward to an update as and when.

Dan Gooding
Dan Gooding
6 months ago

@SimonBrant thanks for posting. I’ve just looked at my last 10-12 applications and I’d say 80% of my applications have at least had my cover letter viewed but less have had profile of cv viewed do I must work harder on my cover letter.

20% of my applications have no recognition of even cover letter being viewed.

I can understand that with so many applications recruiters will find it hard to sift through them all but it’s their job! Don’t even get me started on companies offering a rejection letter…as for feedback…

Simon Brant
Simon Brant
6 months ago

@DanGooding thanks - it’s the 20% you mention that have no recognition that niggles me. Surely TM you should require every covering letter to be read or at the very least an automated response to be sent. Imagine a future where there are plenty of jobs around in tv production and folk don’t bother to turn up for interview - it will probably never happen but those production companies that are part of the wall of silence would soon have change their approach.

John Holdsworth
John Holdsworth
6 months ago

Recently I had an online TM application cover letter marked as read and then an hour later when I checked again it was marked as unread!! Can anyone explain this?

Sarah Lee
Sarah Lee
6 months ago

@JohnHoldsworth @PhilLindsay @AnthonyBeckford @ValentinaAlija John this one has stumped me too! Tagging in my colleagues to see if they have any ideas why this could have happened

Anthony Beckford
Anthony Beckford
6 months ago

@JohnHoldsworth Hi John, I understand how frustrating that must have been! While it’s hard to determine exactly what happened in your case, I've reviewed the data and found no updates or modifications to your application cover letter. I will keep an eye out for any anomalies moving forward.