I am new to Talent Manager. I'm curious as to what is best practice for networking on the site. I already have a close network of go to clients, however it's always worth spreading the net and making new collaborations.
How have you best utilised Talent Manager?
I'm a DOP new to Talent Manager. How do you best network using the site?
To add your answer, please

Hi Sam! I’d say the best way is to add all of your current network/contacts that you’ve already worked with and join the respective company networks. Other people who know them or are in their network will then know youve worked together and you can go from there? I find just being on Talent Manager and keeping your CV and availability up-to-date also helps people who either know you or have heard of you keep in touch and be aware of your availability too. Hope that helps!

That said I’m a PD not a DoP so you might find camera guys have a different approach...

Thanks Holly! Makes perfect sense. I appreciate you taking the time to get involved on the discussion too. Cheers!

putting a question on the forum like this won't do any harm!

Haha, good call Stephen. If I get chatting with potential collaborators from this discussion, then I’ll chop that up as a win!

I think TM is used mainly for people to check who you are and what experience you have. I have been trying to use it to help build a new network (after changing from feature/promo grip to documentary drone work) but it's a slow process. Not sure how many new leads I've had here but I've definitely been checked out prior to getting new work.