I am an established AP that has been out of work since August 2020. I am seeing a distinct lack in AP roles available on the site and larger competition for each role. Is there any statistical information on the impact COVID has had on the number of AP roles available? Also, is the pandemic a valid explanation for being out of work for 6 months?
Drop in AP roles on TM
To add your answer, please

Hi James, as you will probably know, when you come into the winter months, there tends to be a drop in productions. With the add of covid, it has obviously made it a lot harder on productions, crewing etc. I know lots of people that have been out of work since the beginning of covid or had days here and there. Good luck on your next job.
Thanks John,
I'm just keen to get back to work. Hopefully things will start to pick up soon.

Hi James - yes, any half sensible recruiter will completely understand that people will have had work gaps - 6 months or even longer - due to the pandemic's impact on production. In terms of the decline in advertised roles, I'd need to look into stats (we did some analysis in the autumn which showed overall numbers of advertised jobs were back up even above pre-Covid levels - there was still a lot of recruiters searching during lockdown - although that was pre this 3rd lockdown, which has definitely had an impact.) In terms of AP roles specifically, my guess (and it's only a guess) is that some productions are making their PDs cover some of the AP work if they have more drawn out, logistically stop-start filming schedules. I know of one long running production for example that - rather than having a full team out filming all the time - is doing very intermittent days as and when stories arise, when they can get access etc .I believe they have pared back the team to just a couple of PDs on standby. Hopefully things will pick up rapidly from mid-March.
Thanks Matt,
I had thought that potentially some positions may have been advertised pre lockdown and then productions needed to push back further. I can see things picking up again gradually so hopefully I'll be back working again soon.