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The Talent Manager is an essential resource - THE place for finding CVs, checking credits and seeing who’s available.
Elsa Sharp, BBC Current Affairs, Talent Executive
![Elsa Sharp](/images/homepage/elsa_sharp.png)
The Talent Manager provides companies with an invaluable service. It’s now the ‘go to’ place for freelancers to post their details and I couldn't do my job without it.
Natalie Spanier, Head of Talent, Nutopia Television
![Natalie Spanier](/images/homepage/natalie_spanier.png)
Talent Manager has become a lifeline! It's so user-friendly that it's become an asset to the Production Talent Departments at both RDF and IWC.
Julia Waring, Former Head of Production Talent, RDF Television
![Julia Waring](/images/homepage/julia_waring.png)
We love The Talent Manager - it is an extremely useful resource for us and is a great way to find editorial talent at all levels. It is our prime talent seeking tool.
Michelle Matherson, Creative Diversity Partner, Content & Commissioning
![Michelle Matherson](/images/homepage/michelle_matherson_bbc.jpg)
It makes all my applications so easy and accessible and I feel like employees always see my CV and application
It makes all my applications so easy and accessible and I feel like employees always see my CV and application
Pro has paid for itself several times over both with jobs I have directly applied for and tracked and as a tool that keeps me better networked and visible
It makes all my applications so easy and accessible and I feel like employees always see my CV and application
Pro has paid for itself several times over both with jobs I have directly applied for and tracked and as a tool that keeps me better networked and visible
It makes all my applications so easy and accessible and I feel like employees always see my CV and application
Pro has paid for itself several times over both with jobs I have directly applied for and tracked and as a tool that keeps me better networked and visible