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Scott Toms
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Casting Researcher Researcher Data Wrangler · Available Today

Created 1 month ago · Last updated 3 weeks ago ·
So I apparently missed the first week of this due to the email going into spam. I did work on the latter part of this production with a wonderful crew. Please... Read more
So I apparently missed the first week of this due to the email going into spam. I did work on the latter part of this production with a wonderful crew. Please give it a watch. From all accounts the next one is tonight. @AndrewBowers @MargaretTsoi

Scott Toms shared an image

Andrew Bowers
@ScottToms Ep 2 is on tonight!
Margaret Tsoi
@ScottToms watching it reminds me of how many locations we went!
Scott Toms
@MargaretTsoi it reminds me of how bloody cold it was standing outside that caravan lol

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Scott Toms
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Scott Toms posted an update

Casting Researcher Researcher Data Wrangler · Available Today

Created 3 months ago · Last updated 3 months ago ·
So trigger warning this story starts of bad but the moral I’m trying to portray rescues it. Last Tuesday I went into central London for end of shoot drinks... Read more
So trigger warning this story starts of bad but the moral I’m trying to portray rescues it.

Last Tuesday I went into central London for end of shoot drinks with the production company I just finished with. I’m a big lad with years of drinking experience, I struggle to get drunk and I remember EVERY DETAIL of my nights out.

I do not remember leaving the bar or anything about my trip home. I awoke with suspected broken ribs (just bruised) and lots of cuts and bruises. The determination being that I had my drink spiked. There is no suspicion that anyone from the production did it.

When discussing the events with my line manager on the production it got back to her bosses and they gave me access to their employee assistance program (despite no longer being an employee)

I have been contacted today by that program and they are giving me long term counselling to help me. So if you ever want to feel appreciated by your bosses then sign up for Multistory media as they have been totally and utterly amazing and helpful.

Be safe out there during the Christmas party season people it’s a jungle out there.

Praise be to Multistory media
1 comment
Sarah Lee
@ScottToms so sorry to hear this and hope you are ok. It’s good to hear at least that you have had a good experience from @multi story media
Scott Toms
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Scott Toms posted an update

Casting Researcher Researcher Data Wrangler · Available Today

Created 4 months ago · Last updated 4 months ago ·
So I've been working on Come Dine With Me and I am coming free at the start of November, I know Christmas time isn't the best but if anyone needs a Data... Read more
So I've been working on Come Dine With Me and I am coming free at the start of November, I know Christmas time isn't the best but if anyone needs a Data Wrangler or Researcher then please hit me up. Thanks
Scott Toms
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Scott Toms posted an update

Casting Researcher Researcher Data Wrangler · Available Today

Created 9 months ago · Last updated 9 months ago ·
Well my freelancer record just got broken. The previous one was 17 minutes between application and rejection.... Read more
Well my freelancer record just got broken. The previous one was 17 minutes between application and rejection.

I have just applied for a job through LinkedIn, I received an email at 12.46 stating thanks for my application. Followed by three emails telling me to look for further opportunities on their career sight. Finally at 12.47 the fifth email they sent was to thank me but I’m not going forward with the application.

Five emails AND a reject within 60 seconds lol.
1 comment
Rua Kasumi Turner
@ScottToms I don’t know whether to applaud or consol! I feel your pain though, the right one always comes along eventually, just some take much, much longer than others…
Scott Toms
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Scott Toms posted an update

Casting Researcher Researcher Data Wrangler · Available Today

Created 1 year ago · Last updated 1 year ago ·
Today I took the massive step to ask my doctors for help with my mental health because I cannot carry on like this. The industry I love is tearing me apart and... Read more
Today I took the massive step to ask my doctors for help with my mental health because I cannot carry on like this. The industry I love is tearing me apart and I can barely manage to get out of bed some days. But my lethargy and frustrations are manifesting in anger which isn't a good look for prospective employers. I got into an argument on a location runners whats app group because I asked if they could maybe not post messages (that were not really that important) at midnight or later. It was a valid little request, I just found myself not reacting too well to some rather facetious responses, and so I left the group. So hopefully my Friday appointment with my doctor will help. I am too far away from my previous jobs in Bar and Retail (and too old) to transfer back, so it's TV or bust, and scarily at the moment bust is looking like the option thats winning.
Annette Gordon
So sorry to hear you going through this. You are not alone. Sadly, there's very little sympathy or help from either broadcasters or production companies. Let's hope it gets better.
Tracy Joss BFE
@ScottToms I’m sending you a hug and positive vibes 🙏🙏hope you can find some help asap.
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Simon Warrington
@ScottToms Thanks for sharing - not easy to talk about or share, but I feel many others are in a similar position or have felt their mental health effected by the downturn in the industry.

I wish you all the very best and hope you start to feel better soon and take control again of your health again.

I’m sure this post will help and resonate on many levels to a lot of people.

Sarah Lee
@ScottToms So sorry to hear this. It’s an awful time for so many. I really hope your GP can help
Joel Watt
@ScottToms sorry to hear this. Remember you are not alone. What a lot of us are going through will pass hopefully.
Michelle Woods
@ScottToms really sorry to hear you are going through this. Well done for reaching out for help. The film and tv charity can offer stop gap grants and have dedicated lines and also offer free counselling if needed. TV MINDSET are also worth joining if you haven’t already. You are most definately not alone in these difficult times. Most importantly put yourself first.
Dee Lahiri
Hey Scott hope you feeling better and well done for sharing. Lots of people here to talk to if you having a bad day,