Today I took the massive step to ask my doctors for help with my mental health because I cannot carry on like this. The industry I love is tearing me apart and...
Read moreToday I took the massive step to ask my doctors for help with my mental health because I cannot carry on like this. The industry I love is tearing me apart and I can barely manage to get out of bed some days. But my lethargy and frustrations are manifesting in anger which isn't a good look for prospective employers. I got into an argument on a location runners whats app group because I asked if they could maybe not post messages (that were not really that important) at midnight or later. It was a valid little request, I just found myself not reacting too well to some rather facetious responses, and so I left the group. So hopefully my Friday appointment with my doctor will help. I am too far away from my previous jobs in Bar and Retail (and too old) to transfer back, so it's TV or bust, and scarily at the moment bust is looking like the option thats winning.