I posted about this a while back, Hasbro's Entertainment One UK production of Wizards of the Coast's
Read moreI posted about this a while back, Hasbro's Entertainment One UK production of Wizards of the Coast's
#dungeonsanddragons #film has started shooting at Titanic Studios in Belfast. Still a great cast, cannot wait to see the film in the
#cinema .
Note: Not posted in a while due to having computer issues, luckily it was a cheap fix after testing different parts.
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An exciting fund to help promote ways for brands, through adverts, to hopefully inspire people to change and reduce their carbon footprint. 'Using the power of...
Read moreAn exciting fund to help promote ways for brands, through adverts, to hopefully inspire people to change and reduce their carbon footprint. 'Using the power of TV we truly believe we can help transform attitudes and inspire real change.'
The 'Sky Zero Footprint Fund' is a £2 million initiative to help support brands who are also making an effort to reduce their carbon footprint on the planet.
#tvproduction #advertising #carbonfootprint #branding bit.ly/3t2upQs
Edited on 7th Apr 2021 18:52pm
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We take food waste seriously in my household, especially after being inspired by a Food Waste episode I helped make in a series called 'Food Rebels.' I hope...
Read moreWe take food waste seriously in my household, especially after being inspired by a Food Waste episode I helped make in a series called 'Food Rebels.' I hope this new series coming to
#Channel4 from
#BBCStudios called 'Cook Clever, Waste Less with Prue & Rupy' helps tackle the issue further and be successful!
#food #foodwaste #sustainability #tvproduction Login or Register to interact with this post