What do you think of the TM mobile app?
Added 7 months ago
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Julia Rooke
Its good. I like to see personal analytics and applicant numbers. I do think indies should be able to have a button they can press to respond to send out a generic rejection letter.

Sarah Lee
@JuliaRooke They do! Although we are in the process of making it easier for them to access this. Watch this space! And thanks for the feedback too btw

John Rey Malto
Very Satisfied ✅
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Carmen Wagner
It makes for me no sense....sorry
I just log on to the site normally..
While apps are quite practical, they permanently block storage space.
The only thing that is really annoying is the endless cookie lists that you have to click away..
A Button with:Only essential cookies, would be very helpful

Melissa Williams-Sambrano
It is easy to use and convenient. I am really satisfied with it.
Rashid Davari
It is good but if you can add an automatically applying function for a job with already prepared standard job application on one's file that would be very useful when one is on a go or in the middle of a job, to be able with a click of button apply for the job.
I do understand that sending individual job application is very important but what I'm suggesting is this function when one is not able to get to a computer and properly write an applications.

Phil Lindsay
@RashidDavari hi Rashid - the latest version of the app introduced a new feature which might help. Now when you apply for a job you can re-use any cover letter you have written for a previous application. Hope this helps!

Tim Clack
The TM mobile app makes it quicker and easier to check what's happening immediately, especially when your accessing the app every day.

Harry Christopher
I am new to using it but so far so good! I am finding that talent seems to be a great way to connect with people. Many thanks

Mark Guy
@SarahLee quite glitchy in places. Asks for my availability every time I log in. So needy! Haha

Sarah Lee
@MarkGuy sorry about that. Must be infuriating in this climate to be reminded you’re still available! I’ll speak to my colleague @PhilLindsay about a fix. thanks for the feedback

James Wright
Hello, this isn't exclusively about the app, but, on a few occasions I've noticed an employer will have read my cover letter but not downloaded my CV, but, the analytics shows that they have downloaded it. I wonder if it's possible that employers read the cover letter, look at the profile, then download the CV from the profile? That might be a problem if they're not downloading the CV I've curated specifically for them.I don't know if that is actually what happens, but it might be worth TM looking in to and finding out. Thanks!

Julia Rooke
I think if an employer downloads your CV off your profile not your application it will most likely be your most recent CV, so likely to be the same one you sent .....it all a bit mysterious at times...

Andrea Florence
very happy with it!