Development Executive / Development / Hello-Halo / Sep 2021 to present |
Production Title: Development Company: Hello-Halo Line Manager: Wendy Rattray Genre: Documentary Sector: Broadcast Television Description : Developing specialist factual, fact ent and doc ideas for terrestrial broadcasters and SVOD’s. Creating and leading my own slate & pitching directly to commissioners. My most recent commission is a feature doc and I currently have an 8-part series in second stage of paid development.
Executive Producer / Scotland: Escape to the Wilderness / More4 / Hello-Halo / Jun 2021 to Oct 2021 / HARJEET CHHOKAR |
Production Title: Scotland: Escape to the Wilderness Company: Hello-Halo Line Manager: Wendy Rattray Programme Length: 60 minutes Season: 1 Genre: Specialist Factual Sector: Broadcast Television |
Producer/Director / Ben Fogle: New Lives In The Wild / Channel 5 / Renegade Pictures / Jan 2020 to Feb 2020 / Greg Barnett |
Production Title: Ben Fogle: New Lives In The Wild Company: Renegade Pictures Line Manager: Harry Lansdown Programme Length: 60 minutes Genre: Documentary Sector: Broadcast Television |
Series Producer / Ibiza Dreams / BBC 3 / Minnow Films / Jun 2019 to Nov 2019 / Max Gogarty |
Production Title: Ibiza Dreams Company: Minnow Films Line Manager: Sophie Leonard/ Arthur Carey Programme Length: 30 minutes Season: 1 Genre: Observational Documentary Sector: Broadcast Television Description : Four part documentary series that follows a group of young Brits as they attempt to make a success of themselves in a variety of careers in Ibiza over the summer season. |
Television Presenter / Extreme Tribe: The Last Pygmies / Channel 4 / Renegade Pictures / Jan 2018 to May 2019 / Alf Lawrie |
Production Title: Extreme Tribe: The Last Pygmies Company: Renegade Pictures Line Manager: Harry Lansdown Programme Length: 50 minutes Season: 1 Genre: Factual Sector: Broadcast Television Description : Devised / Produced/ Presented - Three part series that followed my journey of living with a remote tribe of hunter-gatherers in the Congolese rainforest for six months. I devised this idea and took an active role in producing across the series, as well as shooting scenes on the B camera. |
Producer / Return of the Mammoth (Channel 4) Lost Beasts of the Ice Age (Discovery) / Channel 4 / Renegade Pictures / Jun 2017 to Jan 2018 / Tom Porter |
Production Title: Return of the Mammoth (Channel 4) Lost Beasts of the Ice Age (Discovery) Company: Renegade Pictures Line Manager: Alan Hayling Programme Length: 60 minutes Season: 1 Genre: Specialist Factual Sector: Broadcast Television Description : An ambitious 90minute film that saw a team of international scientists excavate frozen Ice age remains in the wilds of northern Siberia. I devised this idea, secured access to Siberian tusk hunters and lead a large recce team to develop a feasibility study. |
Co-Executive Producer / Little British Isles with Alison Steadman / Channel 4 / Renegade Pictures / Mar 2017 to Sep 2017 / Anna Moralis |
Production Title: Little British Isles with Alison Steadman Company: Renegade Pictures Line Manager: Harry Lansdown Programme Length: 50 minutes Season: 1 Genre: Documentary Sector: Broadcast Television Description : A 3-part travelogue series about small British islands. I devised this idea and won the commission. It was my first role as executive producer. |
Producer/Director / The Tribe / Channel 4 / Renegade Pictures / Jan 2014 to Jan 2016 / Nick Mirsky |
Production Title: The Tribe Company: Renegade Pictures Line Manager: Harry Lansdown Programme Length: 50 minutes Season: 1 Genre: Documentary Sector: Broadcast Television Description : A 4 part documentary series using a fixed rig to capture family
life in a rural Ethiopian tribe. I was involved in the development on this series, lived with the Hamar whilst I cast the family and during the shoot directed the PSC crew. Cut episode two in the series.
• BAFTA Nominated
• Grierson Nominated in the Best Documentary and Most Entertaining Category
• Broadcast Award Nomination
• Winner of the One World Media Award
Series Director / Ben Fogle’s Great African Migration / Channel 5 / Renegade Pictures / Jan 2016 to Dec 2016 / Greg Barnet |
Production Title: Ben Fogle’s Great African Migration Company: Renegade Pictures Line Manager: Harry Lansdown Programme Length: 50 minutes Season: 1 Genre: Factual Natural History Sector: Broadcast Television Description : A 4 part, multiple crew series that followed the wildebeest migration in Kenya and Tanzania across a year. Blue chip Natural history footage was intercut with adventure scenes that were filmed with the Maasai and Hadza tribes. I edit produced all four episodes. |
Producer/Director / Ben Fogle: New Lives in the Wild: NAMIBIA / Channel 5 / Renegade Pictures / Jun 2015 to Aug 2015 / Greg Barnet |
Production Title: Ben Fogle: New Lives in the Wild: NAMIBIA Company: Renegade Pictures Line Manager: Harry Lansdown Programme Length: 50 minutes Season: 3 Genre: Factual Factual Entertainment Sector: Broadcast Television Description : Adventure series that follows people who’ve quit the rat race and set up home in remote locations across the world. Presented by Ben Fogle. Filming in the Namibian dessert. |