About Me
Talal Chami is an accomplished TV producer and director as well as a media consultant and communication strategist. He is a published author, a fiction and non-fiction blogger, and an avid regional analyst and researcher. He has published three titles so far electronically, among which is his latest work of fiction: Improvisation/s On Peppermint... Read More
Talal Chami is an accomplished TV producer and director as well as a media consultant and communication strategist. He is a published author, a fiction and non-fiction blogger, and an avid regional analyst and researcher. He has published three titles so far electronically, among which is his latest work of fiction: Improvisation/s On Peppermint Frappe For Munich 1972 Vol.1. He holds a master's degree in Media Studies from the American University of Beirut. He is the founder of the fiction and non-fiction blog The Axles of My Wagon Wheels, on which he publishes short-loops in one-act. An innovative fiction concept of his own creation. He is an editorial board member of Wendigo.co –a literary journal/platform founded to publish exciting, inventive, authentic, unconventional and diverse authors and stories. Currently a producer/TV director with extensive experience in the MENA region as well. With projects in Damascus, Amman, Manama, Doha, Tunisia, Tripoli, Casablanca, Paris, and Seoul just to name a few. He is also a member of the board of the Lebanese Korean Friendship Association based in Beirut. Several times Political Elections-Jury member at the Colombian Embassy in Beirut. His master's thesis topic was on some of the Lebanese Civil War militiamen’s war texts produced during the war (1981-1991) that dissolve with Post-Vietnam American War films as amplified versions of hyper-masculinity. He argues that these war texts represent intensely Herculean war/film junkies or street stars –in highly visible and re-configured heterotopic-like settings of war, that underscore their hyper-masculine performances. With varying degrees, these war texts or visual representations of war signify hard body militiamen who transform in Lacanian processes of identification and transmogrify to become the film heroes themselves, in displays of self-aggrandizement. All this suggests a revelatory idea: Post-Vietnam American war films, among other timely factors, led to the Hollywoodization of the Lebanese Civil War, which turned out to be its possible sequel. Check his thesis @ : blog: https://talalchami.wordpress.com/2021/02/12/war-film-junkies-the-hollywoodization-of-the-lebanese-civil-war-1981-1991/
Synopsis of / War/Film Junkies: The Hollywoodization of the Lebanese Civil War (1981-1991)
His e-book War/Film Junkies: The Hollywoodization of the Lebanese Civil War (1981-1991) deals with some of the Lebanese Civil War militiamen’s war texts produced during the war, that dissolve with Post-Vietnam American War films as amplified versions of hyper-masculinity. The author argues that these war texts represent intensely Herculean war/film junkies or street stars –in highly visible and re-configured heterotopic-like settings of war, that underscore their hyper-masculine performances. With varying degrees, these war texts or visual representations of war signify hard-bodied militiamen who transform in Lacanian processes of identification and transmogrify to become the film heroes themselves, in displays of self-aggrandizement. All this suggests a revelatory idea: Post-Vietnam American war films, among other timely factors, led to the Hollywoodization of the Lebanese Civil War, which turned out to be its possible sequel. Check his e-book @ e-Poets Society Digital Platform: https://e-poetssociety.com/book/2289/war_film_junkies
Synopsis of / The Axles of My Wagon Wheels:
We are living in the era of the screen. Art and technology have changed not only culture but life itself. Our perception and understanding require constant enquiring. We cannot escape our child-like curiosity. We are destined to wonder and attempt to make sense of the world around us in manners, unheard of, and unthinkable. It is impossible to experience all available and accessible media without active participation of all the senses. Highly visual film posters, flashy theatre signs, and even black audiences flock in lines to come inside movie theatres and watch black films. This e-book is the compilation of a series of essays and articles by the author on a variety of media-related topics. Check his e-book @ e-Poets Society Digital Platform: https://e-poetssociety.com/book/2371/the_axles_of_my_wagon_wheels
His First-ever work of fiction:
“Two blasted, boozy, unidentified and extremely busy silhouettes were dogging inside a yellow, rear-engined Fiat 500 with suicide doors, parked and running not far away from Michel’s –An iconic Boîte de Nuit, at 2:15 AM in East Beirut. Dire Straits’ Money for Nothing guitar intro was coming out of the car’s loudest radio ever, while at it. The Fiat was shaking and swooshing like a washing-machine in the middle of the parking lot. A nasty ride. Muslim bombs were falling around the corner and the sharp noises of machine-guns crackling did not evade extreme shadows that formed and detached on the surrounding structures, to appear Kafkaesque and ominous. You could hear the mutter of a standing crowd not far apart, ready to board their paper planes, unceremoniously and see for yourself a big puff of thick white smoke plume coming out from the Fiat’s exhaust pipe. A clear symptom of something sinister. Alors, Je veux une pipe. Fais moi une pipe. You could hardly see the two-silhouettes, inside the smallest car you could ever picture. The noises they were making were as unusual. The commotions of the sexually-provoked twosome became hysterical. The tempo and the clamors they made paced-up. The two-silhouettes hit their heads against the car hood, repeatedly. A truc-macabre. [ ] “ Check his e-book @ e-Poets Society Digital Platform: https://e-poetssociety.com/book/3007/improvisations_on_peppermint_frapp%C3%A9_for_munich_1972_vol._1
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