I often find in conversations with friends about the current challenges that they are not even sure what the creative industry jobs are or how they contribute to economy.
So, what are the creative industries?
This is actually an umbrella term that covers a range of sub-sectors that all have creativity at their core - e.g.visual & performing arts, advertising, fashion, music, publishing, film, radio and TV are all examples of the creative industries and all form part of the UK's creative economy. From creative to tech to compliance to management - the pool of roles is deep.
The wealth of roles is so vast that the UK's creative industries are vital to our economy - employing over two million people. According to recent statistics from the Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport (DCMS) they contributed £124billion to the economy in 2022. This is why ensuring the industries continue to thrive is so critical.
In recent years growth has diversified - not shrunk - and has been driven by a boom in computer services, highlighting the keyness of digital creative industries such as video games and virtual events.
The landscape is changing and so will the jobs within it... how and what people watch is evolving but the desire to have access to a wealth of entertainment activity and produce is not diminishing.
The challenges many in the creative industries are facing right now is real and given the contribution to the economy so many of us provide, I hope that the UK Government do step up and enable the industries to continue growing and also provide assurances to the many who are understandably so very worried. I also confirm that yes, creative jobs count and are crucial to enjoyment by all.