Jemma Jupp
Edit Producer & Archive Producer
About Me
I have known Jemma for nearly 25years- I gave her her first job as a documentary film researcher tasked with setting up and finding children for the first of the 7up films set in the then, Soviet Union . Right from day one she worked tirelessly and creatively to achieve a wonderful award winning film. She then went on to produce the subsequent versions following Born in the USSR adding to that the South African version. Her films and judgement creatively are matched by commitment ,organisation and hard work. Her sense of fun and humour contrast with her ability of tackle important ,serious sensitive subjects and contributors as her film about Northern Ireland demonstrates .She is brave and fearless in what she takes on ... undaunted by mere logistics,language or difficulties -she carries on. She is an intelligent and insightful filmmaker and I am very proud to have given her her first major opportunity .
Media I Work In:
Broadcast Television
Locations I can work in:
French (Conversational)
Russian (Fluent)
Access Negotiation
Archive Clearance
Driving Licence
Commentary Writing
CRB Check
First Aid
Hostile Environment
Edit Producing
Technical Skills:
Bafta Nomination, Emmy Winner, Grierson Commendation, RTS in the North Winner